Application to list your products and services with us

Your commitment

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We and people who uses this service puts a very high value on supporting products and services that are not destructive to the conditions on the planet.

With that in mind we are all looking for people and companies that are conscientious and offers things that contributes to that effort. You show your agreement by typing Agree (exactly as written) in the consent field below. By signing with Agree below you indicate that you agree to be 100% honest about what you are offering, thereby allowing our visitors to be able to rely on your description to know what they are getting.

There is an ideal scene where normal balances exists where the planet is able to sustain life because our actions does not threaten all of us with things such as climate change. Then there is the current scene which is definitely threatening not only the quality of life but even our existence. This deviation from the ideal scene is what we are working on to resolve. You need to be on-board as part of the solution and not part of the problem.

Being that we are starting from this non-optimum situation we have ways to go and you might not be 100% sustainable or even regenerative, but you are open with what you have that is and what is not, allowing each visitor to make a decision about using you and the solution(s) you offer. We will add badges to each to show how sustainable and level of regenerative your solutions are. In other words by honestly working with us on where you are at we will do what we can to include your solutions.

Our definition of solution is a service or product that solves the problem it is intended to solve without creating another new problem.

The latter part new problem is key to having a proper solution. If you have a solution with "side-effects" you need to clearly show what they are, allowing the visitor to make the decision which problem they prefer.

Unfortunately our society is so money motivated that many allows that to override their judgment and use marketing language which hides the "side-effect" or weaknesses of their products and services, thereby fooling people into buying something with hidden problems. This character flaw is so prevalent in society that it has become acceptable at many levels.

People often have little choice but to rely on the marketing language to decide if it is what they need. When that is hard to assess when, for example, it is technically challenging to evaluate for a layman, they find themselves with something that might create new unexpected problems. Should we find violations of this agreement we have the option to not accept you and terminate your account as a material breach of our agreement with you.

This service then, is intended to be a safe place to find solutions. It is also intended to allow you to offer things honestly without worrying about "witch hunt" to remove you. People are invited to speak up about their experience, as are you! We are solution oriented and do work to find the solution which is best increasing the survival potential for all. We need to learn to work together as a team.

We will send you a link to continue the full application as soon as possible. (Expected to be ready by the end of the year.)

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